Crime Stories

Kapin tunga sa milyon nga balor sang gina suspetsahan shabu nakumpiska sa gin kasa nga buy-bust operation sa Arevalo

ILOILO CITY — Sa gin ugyon nga pwersa sang Regional Police Drug Enforcement Unit 6 (RPDEU) sa pagpanguna ni Police Lieutenant Glenn A. Soliman kag ni Police Lieutenant Alberto V. Manguilimotan Jr kag sang Iloilo City Police Station 6 sa pagpamuno naman ni Police Major Chen Tañagras sila ang nag kasa sang anti-illegal drug operation sa pinaagi sang pag bakal sang police posuer-buyer sang isa plastik nga may unod sang gina patihan shabu gamit ang buy-bust money nga eighteen-thousand-pesos sa subject.

Photo from RPDEU through station 6 chief Police Major Chen Tañagras.
Photo from RPDEU through station 6 chief Police Major Chen Tañagras.

Ini ang gin kasa alas-9:00 sang gab-i, Huwebes, Enero 4, 2023 sa Barangay Santo Niño Sur Arevalo sa diin arestado ang duha ka suspek nga sanday Eddie Sevillo y Belleza, 39 anyos alias “Boy2x” sang Barangay Guzman-Jesena, Mandurriao kag si Richelle Germo y Rocha, 38 anyos, residente naman sang Barangay North Fundidor, Molo.

Nakuha sa pag hinakop sa duha ka mga arestado ang nahambitan nga buy-bust money, buy-bust item, viente-uno ka mga plastik nga may unod sang gina patihan shabu, improvised glass totter, isa ka unit sang android phone, isa self sealing transparent plastic bag, isa ka black pouch, isa ka unit sang motorsiklo, kag iban pa nga mga non-drug items.

Ginabanta yara 110 gramos ang kabug-aton sang gina patihan shabu ang nakumpiska kag may presyu merkadu nga 748,000 pesos. Si Sevillo ang gina kabig nga Top 10 priority High Value Individual (HVI) kag si Germo naman isa ka Street Level Individual (SLI).

Himas rehas naman karon ang duha ka arestado sa karsel sang Arevalo police station kag sila ang maga pangatubang sang Violation of Section 5 in relation to Section 26 and Section 11 of Republic Act 9165.

Aaron Lloyd Refoyo

A true warrior of the night, a beacon of youthful vigor and alacrity in the realm of journalism. As a swift and cunning correspondent of Radyo Bistado, Aaron is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a boundless passion for the truth. With his keen intellect and a gift for words, he fearlessly ventures into the darkest depths of the news to uncover the most pressing stories of our time. Whether it's a breaking news event or a riveting investigative report, Aaron's unyielding dedication to accuracy and flair will leave you spellbound
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