Local News

Aftermath of Lapuz Fire: Community Unites to Rebuild Amidst Devastation

ILOILO CITY – A thick white smoke that later turned black caused residents of Barangay Jalandoni Estate in Lapuz to scramble yesterday during lunchtime. The sudden smoke was followed by a dangerous blaze that consumed adjacent houses, leaving residents in a state of shock.

The path leading to the affected area was a narrow alley with numerous entrances and shortcuts.

Sacks of rice from DSWD. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.
Sacks of rice from DSWD. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.

Panic set in among the residents, who quickly rushed to their respective homes to check on their loved ones, gather valuable belongings, and evacuate while firefighters were already starting to put out the flames.

Barangay Captain Efren Gemio was not at home when the incident occurred, as he was attending a meeting outside Lapuz District. Upon his arrival, he was informed by his relatives that his house had been affected by the fire.

He then noticed that three firetrucks had arrived at the scene, but they went to kalye 2 instead of kalye 3 where the fire first broke out.

DSWD sends aid for those who have been affected by the fire incident. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.
DSWD sends aid for those who have been affected by the fire incident. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.

Gemio informed them of their mistake and directed them to the correct location.

Gemio revealed that the fire started in the house of a senior citizen named Amalia Vicente, but he did not know what caused it.

Gemio expressed his gratitude to the firefighters, volunteer responders, and medical practitioners who immediately responded to the crisis. He also expressed his hope that the Department of Social Welfare and Development 6 (DSWD) and the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) would provide the assistance that the affected residents needed.

Kaldero and Kalaha, two essential kitchen items, are part of the aid provided by DSWD to help the fire victims start anew. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.
Kaldero and Kalaha, two essential kitchen items, are part of the aid provided by DSWD to help the fire victims start anew. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.

Meanwhile, Lone District Representative of Iloilo Jam Jam Baronda also visited the evacuation center to talk to the fire victims, particularly the elderly.

According to Tiffany Somes, the Communications and Public Relations representative of Uswag Ilonggo who spoke on behalf of Cong. Jojo Ang in an interview with Radyo Bistado, Uswag Ilonggo would provide assistance to the affected residents.

They identified 11 houses that were totally wrecked, while 12 houses were partially burned. They would provide each affected household with two sleeping kits, food packs, and hygiene kits, as well as cash assistance for fire victims.

Lone District of Iloilo Representative Jamjam Baronda. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.
Lone District of Iloilo Representative Jamjam Baronda. | Photo by Aaron Lloyd Refoyo.

Despite the devastation, Barangay Jalandoni Estate showed its resilience and strong sense of community.

The residents banded together to help each other, while government officials and local organizations provided support to help them recover from the tragedy.

This event serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of community in times of adversity.

Aaron Lloyd Refoyo

A true warrior of the night, a beacon of youthful vigor and alacrity in the realm of journalism. As a swift and cunning correspondent of Radyo Bistado, Aaron is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a boundless passion for the truth. With his keen intellect and a gift for words, he fearlessly ventures into the darkest depths of the news to uncover the most pressing stories of our time. Whether it's a breaking news event or a riveting investigative report, Aaron's unyielding dedication to accuracy and flair will leave you spellbound
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