Crime Stories

21-year-old arrested in hot pursuit operation, mother claims innocence

ILOILO CITY – In a hot pursuit operation conducted by the police, John Mark Lebuna, a 21-year-old resident of Barangay San Isidro, Jaro (relocation site), was arrested at around 11:00 in the morning on Friday, March 3, 2023, in Barangay Guinobatan, Leganes.

In an interview with Radyo Bistado, Maricar Lebuna, John Mark’s mother, stated that she was informed by his son’s live-in partner, that John Mark had already been arrested by police.

According to Maricar’s allegations, on the evening of March 1, her child was with her cousin celebrating in Ungka, but he was found in Leganes early on March 3, 2023.

Maricar also stated that her child had previously been incarcerated for allegedly committing hold-ups and thefts.

Maricar further revealed that her child’s friends would come to their house in San Isidro and wake him up at any time, but she did not know who his friends were.

Maricar claimed that her child was only influenced by his friends, who were the ones who engaged in unlawful behavior.

Currently, John Mark is in the custody of the Jaro PNP, and the police continue to search for his accomplices.

Aaron Lloyd Refoyo

A true warrior of the night, a beacon of youthful vigor and alacrity in the realm of journalism. As a swift and cunning correspondent of Radyo Bistado, Aaron is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a boundless passion for the truth. With his keen intellect and a gift for words, he fearlessly ventures into the darkest depths of the news to uncover the most pressing stories of our time. Whether it's a breaking news event or a riveting investigative report, Aaron's unyielding dedication to accuracy and flair will leave you spellbound
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