Crime Stories

Man Shot Dead after a Heated Argument during Fiesta Eve in Dueñas

DUEÑAS, ILOILO – A festive evening turned into tragedy as a visitor was shot dead during a heated argument at around 8:30 PM on Monday, April 25, 2023, in Sitio Sibaguan, Barangay Dila-an, Dueñas, Iloilo.

Police Senior Master Sergeant Laurea, the investigator from the Dueñas Municipal Police Station, reported in an interview with Radyo Bistado that the suspect, identified as Malidey Latiga, a 30-year-old resident of Barangay Patag Lambunao, went to the location to attend a friend’s child’s christening for the day. The victim, Anthony Lenaming, 43, was a resident of the same area and was a guest in the house being hosted by Latiga’s relative.

According to Laurea’s investigation, there was an argument between the victim and the suspect, which escalated into physical violence. Witnesses reported that Lenaming initially reached for a knife held by his companion, but Latiga quickly drew an unknown weapon and shot him once in the chest.

The victim was rushed to a nearby hospital but was declared dead upon arrival. The suspect, who lived close by, fled the scene on his parent’s motorcycle.

As of the moment, the suspect is still at large, and the police are conducting a hot pursuit operation to apprehend him. Meanwhile, the victim’s family expressed their intention to pursue legal action against the suspect.

Aaron Lloyd Refoyo

A true warrior of the night, a beacon of youthful vigor and alacrity in the realm of journalism. As a swift and cunning correspondent of Radyo Bistado, Aaron is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a boundless passion for the truth. With his keen intellect and a gift for words, he fearlessly ventures into the darkest depths of the news to uncover the most pressing stories of our time. Whether it's a breaking news event or a riveting investigative report, Aaron's unyielding dedication to accuracy and flair will leave you spellbound
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