Crime Stories

Sleepy driver causes tragic death of teenage boy in Anilao

ILOILO CITY – Fatal injuries were sustained by a 15-year-old boy after he was hit by a swiftly running multi-cab on Friday, February 23, 2023, in Barangay Poblacion, Anilao.

In a phone interview with Police Staff Sergeant Rechie Bretaña, the investigator on the case from Anilao Municipal Police Station, he told Radyo Bistado that the boy was walking on the roadside, holding his sneakers, on his way to Anilao Gym to play basketball when a swiftly running multi-cab suddenly hit him and injured his waist and legs.

Photo from Anilao Municipal Police Station.
Photo from Anilao Municipal Police Station.

Police revealed that the multi-cab driver, Albert Delandrino, 39 years old and a resident of Santo Rosario, Ajuy, was transporting tons of sweet potatoes and vegetables from Bacolod City to the town of Sara.

Delandrino fell asleep while driving due to tiredness and only noticed that he hit someone when his cab had already stopped approximately 50 meters away from the victim.

The victim was immediately taken to Don Jose Sustiguer Memorial Medical Center in Barotac Nuevo but was declared dead on arrival by the attending physician, Doctor Arianne Gabriela.

Police added that Delandrino and the relatives of the teenager have already discussed plans, but they have not yet made a final decision.

Aaron Lloyd Refoyo

A true warrior of the night, a beacon of youthful vigor and alacrity in the realm of journalism. As a swift and cunning correspondent of Radyo Bistado, Aaron is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a boundless passion for the truth. With his keen intellect and a gift for words, he fearlessly ventures into the darkest depths of the news to uncover the most pressing stories of our time. Whether it's a breaking news event or a riveting investigative report, Aaron's unyielding dedication to accuracy and flair will leave you spellbound
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